Untitled Document
   Frédéric Noyer
The young artist originating from Canton de Vaud, after a few years of artistic studies in New York, has decided to come back to Switzerland. Fascinated by art since his childhood, he travels to Italy, Florence, to admire the masterpieces of the Renaissance, then to New York where he attends the courses of the Art Students League, nowadays frequented by American artists like Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko or Lee Krasner. This rich experience has permitted to him to be introduced to different galleries in Manhattan. Since his return in Switzerland, Frédéric Noyer is impatient to communicate and show the fruit of his experiences in New York.

In his pictorial exploration, he develops two types of expression : one of lyric aspect, with luminous colours; the other one, mainly geometric, evoking the sky scrapers and the block streets of the American metropolis.

In the “lyric” works, the game played by the rounded coloured spots is progressively changing, according to a process described by the artist as evolving. In a first step, the black circled forms tend to be freed from their cleaving, to acquire lightness, thanks to a skilful composition and subtle juxtapositions. The black contours become white and the effect of the combinations of tones – black with yellow, black with blue, black with green -, trigger a sensation of movement. On the opposite, in another step, the forms are non coloured, like negatives, evolving in this case over underlying multicoloured backgrounds. The artist impregnate himself with the energy of surrounding life, playing his favourite colours, the emerald green, the gold yellow, the ruby red or the sapphire blue. “My inspiration comes from love and the natural beauty”, says the artist.

To the contrary, the geometric approach is inscribed into rigor, with a great amount of forms disposed in a concentric way, diminishing in size while reaching the centre of the work – a sort of right angled traverse leading us to look through a tiny little window in the heart of the canvas. The monumental oils of Frédéric Noyer, invade the spectator who is taken by the flows, the coming and going, the variety and the fineness of the coloured sources.

Born in Nyon in 1980, Frédéric Noyer works and lives on the shores of the Leman lake.
From 2010 to 2012, he exhibits in the Phyllis Harrimann Gallery, on 57th St. in New York, participates in the artistic fair in Long Island City in 2011 and in 2012, and his work is awarded in 2012 by the jury of the Eragallery.
His works belong to private collections in Switzerland, France, Italy, the United States and Japan.

Dr.Danielle Junod-Sugnaux

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  Frédéric Noyer